The Smithy
The Blacksmith’s workshop (Smithy) was built in 1855 to provide running repairs on site and probably to shoe horses used to pull the coal, coke and anthracite wagons to the site from the nearby Merrybent rail depot. After training for many years as an apprentice, the Tees Cottage blacksmith would have worked, lived and slept in the Smithy. The work would have been hard, involving long hours in a hot and dirty environment.
The workshop still contains many of the original tools the blacksmith would have used, including an original set of bellows. The blacksmiths of today may not be required to work as hard as their predecessors but they use many of the same techniques.
Training FAQs
Where will the training be held?
The training will be held in the Smithy at Tees Cottage Pumping Station. This historic building was erected in 1853 and features the original bellows.
When is the training held?
Wednesdays, Saturdays, and most second Sundays in the month, throughout the year. Other days may also be possible, depending on the availability of the Blacksmiths.
How long will the training last?
9.00 am – 3.00 pm
How much does the training cost?
£100.00 per person for one to one, or two to two, instruction, as required.
Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.
How do I book?
If you are interested in attending a training course at the Smithy or require further details please contact us at: |or call Steve Silverwood on 07774 448 303 |or Arthur West on 07952 312 913
Make a booking
If you are interested in attending a training course at the Smithy or require further details please contact us at: |or call Steve Silverwood on 07774 448 303 |or Arthur West on 07952 312 913