Review of 2024

Dec 31 2024

    The end of a very successful year for TCPS is just about upon us. We had a series of really well attended Open Weekends, with the October Gala Day topping the lot with almost 1000 people on site! Although it was great to welcome so many visitors, 1000 people stretched our resources, particularly in the Cottage Tea Room, to the very limits and we are now considering how we can cope with such numbers in the future.

Our major disappointment came with the last minute cancellation of our Christmas Fair due to Storm Bert. Santa was stranded in Stockton, the snow completely wrecked two of our gazebos, and a significant number of stallholders cancelled.

Our Blacksmiths had another fine year with their delivery of 37 Blacksmith Experience days. In addition to generating funds, which have greatly enhanced the Smithy offering, these courses also introduced new people to TCPS.

Educational visits hit a new high with more than 400 pupils visiting the site from a variety of establishments across the region. For the first time this included students in secondary education.

Lone Vigils delivered three paranormal activity sessions during the year which, although demanding attendance of our members during anti-social hours, introduced 60 or so new people to the site and added significantly to our kitty.

In October, EMRJ Entertainment spent two days on site filming scenes for their movie involving a Kraken attacking a lighthouse! Our ability to provide buildings and equipment from the appropriate period of time was much appreciated by the film company but probably less by our members who were required to be on site until 2 o'clock in the morning!

Although our income stream has been augmented by these recent visits we have also managed to spend a considerable sum of money. Our approach of spending when and where we need to in order to make our working environment both simpler and safer, has brought a new ride-on lawnmower, a new compressor for the Gas Engine, a Safety Lifting Tripod, modern LED lighting, and a revamped Visitor Centre to the site. Maintenance activities, in virtually every area, have also incurred significant cost but we end the year with our heads well above the water line.

Northumberland Water must be thanked for their support and considerable input regarding essential building repairs earlier in the year and, more recently, in the removal of residual asbestos from the loft area above the Electric Pump House.

We held our 175th Anniversary in June, an event which was much appreciated by everyone. Steve Harker, leader of DBC, and Chris Lloyd, of the Northern Echo, were our principal guests but we also welcomed a number of representatives from the organisations which have supported us throughout the years.

Unlike many volunteer led organisations we have been really successful in recruiting new members, to such an effect that we have recently decided to close our recruitment for the time being. Even though we sadly lost Ivan Ward and John Peacock during the year we have also been joined by a number of new volunteers and wish to be able to provide enough scope for interesting and challenging work for all.

Finally, we would like to thank all our volunteers who have contributed to the 12000 or so working hours which we have recorded this year and also to the many people who have visited Tees Cottage Pumping Station.

We are all looking forward to a Safe, Happy, and Successful New Year and hope that all subscribers to this website experience the same in 2025